healing is not an individual task.

If this year has felt brutally hard for you,
If you have felt alone and afraid,
If the things that seem easy for others have felt really hard for you,
I want to acknowledge your struggle.
I want to say that your suffering is not your fault and that you shouldn’t have to hold the responsibility of healing all on your own.
You deserve to be held and supported by a system that is free from oppression.
You deserve to be held by a community that cares for you and supports you so that you can heal.
It is a tremendous injustice that you have been made to feel as though you can access relief just by thinking positive thoughts, working hard enough, spending enough money on healing professionals or committing yourself to “wellness” in all its iterations.
Healing is not an individual task. It is a collective responsibility to create a culture in which healing can occur for all folks, and in which harm in not perpetuated.